Article I - Name
- The name of the organization is St. Clair Saddle Club, Inc. as registered with the Missouri Secretary of State.
Article II - Purpose
- The purpose of this club shall be to bring together good sportsmen and to promote better horsemanship.
- The club shall at all times assist and encourage any civic activities of our community that the membership supports.
- The club shall endeavor to bring about a better understanding between man and beast.
- The club shall teach cooperation and organization in clean competition in the horse ring and in the field.
Article III - Membership
- Any person interested in good clean horsemanship and is of good reputation in standing in the community is eligible for membership.
- Admission of members: Names of those wishing to become members will be submitted by one current member sponsor to the Board of Directors. Upon approval by the Board the names shall be voted on by secret ballot by members of the club. A simple majority is needed for admission.
- Potential new members shall, if possible, be present at the regular meeting at which their membership is submitted to members for approval.
- Expelling a member: Any conduct that would bring the club into disrepute, is grounds for expulsion. A complaint should be filed with the Board. If the Board finds probable cause it shall determine the appropriate action: probation, suspension, or expulsion. The affected member may then request a hearing before the membership. If no hearing is requested, the action of the Board shall stand. Expulsion would require a 2/3 majority vote of club members present at the next meeting regular meeting. Any other disciplinary action requires a simple majority of the members present and voting.
Article IV - Officers
- The officers of this club shall consist of a President, Vice President, Jr. Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Ringmasters, two Sergeants-at-arms, and a Publicity Chairperson who shall hold office for one year term, and four Directors who shall hold office for a two year term.
- The immediate past President shall automatically become the Jr. Vice President, for the next ensuring year following his/her term as President.
Article V - Duties of the Officers
- The President shall preside over all meetings of the club, appoint committee chairpersons, serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors and serve as ex-officer member of all committees.
- The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President, and perform the duties of the President in the event of the Presidents death or disability.
- The Jr. Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President and the Vice President.
- The Secretary shall record and read to the membership the minutes of the board Meetings and Regular Membership meetings, and shall also fill out all summonses, and carry on all correspondence of the club.
- The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all finances of the club and shall deposit all monies and render to the President and Directors at their regular meeting or when they so request an account of all transactions.
- The Board of Directors shall transact all business of the club. They shall meet on call of the President or a majority of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall consists of four (4) members; two (2) Directors elected by the membership to a two (2) year term as the general election each December. Two (2) of whom shall be elected during odd years and two (2) of whom shall be elected during even years.
- The Ringmasters shall be in control of all ring performances of the club sponsored horse shows and other club sponsored competitive events. The Ringmaster shall bar from the show ring any unruly horse or horsemen.
- The Sergeants-at-arms shall preserve order at all club meetings, club sponsored horse shows and other club sponsored events.
- The Publicity Chairperson shall have charge of all advertising, procurements and distribution of handbills, programs, tickets and public relation. The Publicity Chairperson shall have all powers directly connected with with or incidental to such office and shall perform any duties that may be assigned to him or her by the Board of Directors.
- The Vice President, Jr. Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Publicity Chairperson shall have voting power with the Board of Directors in transacting all business.
Article VI - Standing Committees
- Standing committees are: Trail ride, Sponsorship, Gaited Show, Fun Show, Kitchen, Rodeo, By-Laws, Membership, Grounds, Horsemanship, and Audit Committee. All committees to perform duties as charged by the President.
Article VII - Meetings
- All voting officers shall be required to attend all important meetings of the club. In the event that two consecutive meetings are missed, that officer may be reviewed before the Board of Directors for possible recall.
- The club shall meet the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm at such place as designated by the President.
- Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the President at such time and place as he/she designates. All members must be notified of such meetings.
- All members 16 years of age and over have voting privileges at the club meetings.
Article VIII - Fees and Dues
- Annual membership runs January 1 to December 31 and is due by March 30 of each calendar year. Late fees of $5 for individual or $10 for family membership will be assessed. Late membership applications after September 1 will be prorated for the remainder of the year.
- Annual membership dues for individuals are $20 for those 16 years of age and over; $1 for children under 16 years of age; family membership dues are $40 and consist of two (2) adults and all that are full-time students and under the same household. Dues are waived for all members after reaching the age of 65.
- January 1 determines the age for membership fees.
- Membership entitles you to free admissions to all sponsored activities except for charity functions. Also, includes, use of the saddle club cook shack, arena and grounds.
- Members are strongly encouraged to donate a minimum of either (8) hours to the Saddle Club each year. This includes but is not limited to working in the cook shack, keeping up grounds, helping in the arena, announcers stand and others area that the club needs assistance.
Revised 01/03/2023
Article IX - Monies Collected
- All monies collected on behalf of the saddle club shall be turned over as soon as possible to the treasurer. There shall be an annual internal audit of the treasurer's books and reports conducted by one board member and two regular members appointed by the President.
Article X - Club Elections
- Nominations of elective officers for the ensuring year shall take place at the regular club meeting in December and these nominations shall be made from the floor.
- Election of elective officers shall be held at the regular meeting in December.
- Two directors shall be elected each year and shall serve for a period of two years.
- To be eligible to become an office in this club a member must have been a member in good standing for at least three years prior to elections.
Article XI - Ammendments
(Revised 4-2-2024)
- All the by-laws of this club as set out above, shall remain in force for the entire life of the Saddle Club unless amended by a favorable two thirds majority vote of the members present, who are 16 years of ag and above in good standing. Recommendations for amending, repealing, or adding by-laws shall be presented to the membership for a first reading and then presented for approval at the next member meeting.